Our Roses

About Our Roses

At Zuba Roses, we source our bare root roses from top-tier wholesale growers located in the Southwest and on the West Coast. Our roses are carefully selected for their beauty, hardiness, and bloom potential. We specifically choose 1.5 grade roses—a classification that means these roses are mature but slightly smaller in size than the highest grade 1.0 roses. This allows us to offer quality plants at more competitive prices, without sacrificing the vibrant blooms and strong performance that rose lovers expect.

Once our roses are harvested, they are shipped directly to our distribution center in Buffalo, New York. From there, we supply our roses to customers across the East Coast and the Mid-Atlantic, ensuring that each plant arrives in peak condition and ready to thrive in your garden.

We take pride in offering some of the most colorful and profusely blooming roses available, perfect for enhancing landscapes with bold hues and rich fragrances. Whether you're looking for classic reds, pastel pinks, or vibrant yellows, our selection offers something for every gardener seeking exceptional beauty and cold-hardy performance.